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Medivan struva 35 Thigh White - MEDI

Medivan struva 35 Thigh White - MEDI

Product details

 lPost-operative, short-term compression to promote 
venous return after venous surgical intervention 
(ligatures, sclerotherapy, vein stripping, and 
thrombolysis therapy) and orthopaedic surgical 
Ligamentous lesions of the talocrural joint 
lMild to moderate lymphological clinical disorders
 lTo prevent oedemas and haematomas 
lCompressive treatment for acute thromboses 
lProphylaxis and therapy of venous leg ulcerations of 
partially mobile patients 


Mode of action 
lThe standardised pressure gradient ensures a strong 
compression of 35 mmHg at the ankle that then decreases 
continually up toward the thigh. 
lStudies confirm the high degree of effectiveness of using 
mediven struva for an optimal acceleration of venous 
lThis makes mediven struva an effective alternative to 
conventional compression bandages for the correspond
ing indications. 
 lPrecisely defined compression gradient for a high degree of 
medical effectiveness 
lPainful constrictions and window oedemas are reliably 
lSuitable for thigh circumferences of up to 78 cm 
lThe mediven struva variant with a tricot topband is 
particularly suitable for immobilised patients.
 The open toe is primarily in the interest of patient safety since it 
enables the circulation to be monitored at any time and simplifies 
hygiene for the interdigital spaces
 The knitted on heel ensures the best possible reduction together 
with the colour coding at the heel/instep area guarantees exact 
positioning on the patient’s foot and makes the suitable size of the 
anti-embolism stocking instantly recohnisable



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